Lorelei type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Lorelei? Lorelei est un type de personnalité ISTJ dans MBTI, 5w6 - sp/so - 583 dans Enneagram, dans Big 5, dans Socionics."

Too cold to be an ENTP, and no indication of dominant Ne. Her exterior is very xSTJ with the way she conservatively dresses, and has Si somewhere in the first two slots of her stacking given she cares about and visits the remote island she grew up on even after making it big by becoming a member of the Elite Four. Her collecting of Poke Dolls could also be considered a Si activity, as she might have been doing it since she was a kid. I personally see ISTJ over ESTJ given her Fi (values) was pronounced enough to cause her to quit her job as an Elite Four member to go back to Four Island for reasons unexplained.


Lorelei (Japanese: カンナ Kanna) is an Ice-type Trainer and member of the Indigo Elite Four. Lorelei is the first Trainer of the Kanto Elite Four in Generations I, III, and VII. She is known for her logical, calculated, and cool style of battling. Her Lapras has been with her ever since she was a child. She caught it when she was very young in the Icefall Cave. Misty idolizes her.

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