Sharla type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Sharla? Sharla est un type de personnalité ESTJ dans MBTI, 2w3 - sp/so - 261 dans Enneagram, RCOAN dans Big 5, ESI dans Socionics."

te-dom 2w3 is a tad strange but i do believe her to be a te-dom. i think her first hint at te > fe was her intro: when juju comes back after going missing, she initially scolds him AND THEN proceeds to comfort him/ask him if he’s ok. she was more focused on enforcing the camp’s rules on him then she was his exact safety, although they built in together. And then when he runs off again and Shulk gets the vision, she refuses to place her trust in shulk’s visions, saying it wasn’t believable he could see the future (or rather, that she needed definitive proof of it) and in some of her voice lines you can also see te, such as one of her victory quotes. i can’t remember the exact line and couldn’t find it on the wiki, but it was something along the lines of “on to the next one” this hints at general organization of her actions. and on the topic of her actions - you can see inferior fi with how she acts towards both gadolt and reyn, or rather how she related reyn to gadolt (which is si imo) although she had developed feelings for him and did to some extent want to express them, she had a gut feeling Gadolt had survived, and decided not to act out on her feelings towards him. i believe an fe dom would be more open about romantic feelings, although i could be wrong. i’ll write more later as i haven’t finished the game in years although i’m replaying it.


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