1. Personnes et Personnages
  2. Films
  3. The Devil Wears Prada (2006)

Emily Charlton type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Emily Charlton? Emily Charlton est un type de personnalité ESTJ dans MBTI, 3w4 - so/sp - 361 dans Enneagram, SLOEN dans Big 5, LSE dans Socionics."

Emily's character portrays the archetype of workaholic-culture worshiping employees who make themselves slaves to the corporation at the expense of their own well-being and identity only to be replaced on a whim by someone more brilliant, if this is not Fi-inferior, Idk what is. Her sense of self is barely shown unlike Andy's who is a high Fi user, instead she takes pride in her dedication and hardworking qualities, that's what she thinks make her who she is when it really doesn't, what we see in her hospital scene is her burnt-out Fi-grip moment, bitter, whiny and disappointed. Apart from all that, she's still a professional and I like how helpful she was to Andy even if she didn't like her very much.


Emily Charlton is a supporting character in the movie The Devil Wears Prada. She works as the first assistant for Miranda Priestly within the Runway magazine. Emily is a huge fan of fashion and staunchly loyal to Miranda. She is portrayed by Emily Blunt.

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