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King K. Rool type de personnalité MBTI

King K. Rool type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est King K. Rool? King K. Rool est un type de personnalité ESTJ dans MBTI, 8w7 - sp/sx - 873 dans Enneagram, SLOEN dans Big 5, SLE dans Socionics."

Very developed Ne.


King K. Rool is the demented and unbalanced main antagonist of the Donkey Kong series. He is the malevolent ruler of the Kremling race (despite Klubba's statement about the Kremlings hating K. Rool because he is always abusing them), the head of the Kremling Krew who constantly terrorize the Kongs, and the archenemy of Donkey and Diddy Kong. K. Rool has repeatedly tried to steal Donkey and Diddy Kong's Banana Hoard for reasons that are not fully understood, but may involve starving the primates to death and occupying DK's Treehouse (effectively making him King of the Donkey Kong Island). To reach his goal, he has even gone as far as kidnapping members of the Kong Family. K. Rool, as his name, a pun on "cruel", may imply, is the ruthless and mentally unstable ruler of the Kremling race, who has on numerous occasions tried to steal Donkey Kong's banana hoard and kidnap many members of the Kong family. He rules the Kremlings with an iron fist and usually shows no mercy. #NearPureEvils

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