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  2. Télévision
  3. H2O: Just Add Water (2006)

Isabella "Bella" Hartley type de personnalité MBTI

Isabella "Bella" Hartley type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Isabella "Bella" Hartley? Isabella "Bella" Hartley est un type de personnalité ENFP dans MBTI, 9w1 - so/sx - 792 dans Enneagram, SCUAI dans Big 5, IEE dans Socionics."

ENFPs lead with extroverted intuition (Ne), which is evident in Bella's curiosity, creativity, and enthusiasm for new possibilities. She is innovative and often explores different perspectives and ideas. Bella also uses introverted feeling (Fi) as her secondary function. This can be seen in her super strong sense of personal values, empathy towards others, and a deep connection with her emotions. She is driven by authenticity and strives to stay true to herself. As a 7w6, Bella likely displays traits of Type 7 (The Enthusiast) with a wing of Type 6 (The Loyalist). Type 7 individuals are adventurous, fun-loving, and seek new experiences, which aligns well with Bella's character in H2O. The influence of Type 6 adds a sense of loyalty, responsibility, and a desire for security to her personality. Bella's tri-type 792 reflects her core motivations. Type 7 seeks stimulation and avoids pain by focusing on positive experiences, Type 9 desires peace and harmony, and Type 2 craves connection and helps others. This combination underscores Bella's desire for adventure, harmony, and helping those she cares about. Phlegmatic individuals are typically calm, easygoing, and patient. Bella demonstrates these traits through her laid-back nature and ability to remain composed in challenging situations. She shows a preference for peace and harmony, often acting as a stabilizing force among her friends. On the other hand, Bella also exhibits sanguine qualities. Sanguine individuals are sociable, enthusiastic, and optimistic. Bella's outgoing and friendly demeanor, coupled with her excitement for new experiences and adventures, aligns well with the sanguine temperament. She easily connects with others and brings energy to social interactions. The combination of phlegmatic and sanguine traits in Bella creates a balanced personality. She is approachable and adaptable, able to maintain a sense of tranquility while also being engaging and lively in social settings. Bella's temperament reflects a blend of calmness, optimism, sociability, and adaptability, making her a phlegmatic-sanguine individual in her interactions and behavior. Hope I explained well :)


Bella is a singer at Rikki's cafe and became a mermaid at the age of nine. Her power allows her to turn water into jelly and also turn water solid. She is introduced in the 3rd season to replace Emma.

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