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Paladin type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Paladin? Paladin est un type de personnalité ESFJ dans MBTI, 1w2 - so/sp - 126 dans Enneagram, SCOAN dans Big 5, ESI dans Socionics."

ESFJ wife always play this class. The reasons she says: - it's easy to play. she hates complicated stuff. just rinse and repeat haha - irl, having lots of vit means you wont feel pain and you shield others from pain too - always wanted in parties - team gets babied with lots of protection - "I'll protect you all!" vibe - we're both Christians - TAUNT she prefers a tanky support like buffing teams damage reduction, vitality with off healing skills. she also likes crowd control. if she became an anime character, she'd probably be the protagonist in Bofuri lol (is it Kaede?)


The Paladin is a Fighter with a side of Healer, using White Magic to be more defensive; their devotion to their God or Deity gives them various prayers, healing abilities and spells that protect themselves and others. Naturally, they tend to fall under Magic Knight. They are also quite good at laying the smite down on undead, demons and other evil supernatural creatures. However, they may have behavioral limits: some rulesets impose varying penalties on taking actions that stray too far from Lawful Good, which can lead to weakening of abilities, loss of abilities or sometimes even being kicked out of the "Paladin" class entirely.
