Hirai type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Hirai? Hirai est un type de personnalité ESTP dans MBTI, 7w8 - - 784 dans Enneagram, SLUEI dans Big 5, SEE dans Socionics."

I don’t get the ENTP votes… the whole point of her character was that she was present focused and being able to do whatever she wanted. She is Se dom, I can’t see her Ne and Si inf. “She had no inhibitions. She wanted to do things her own way. Her behavior meant that her parents didn’t worry about her, but it was precisely this free-spiritedness that ultimately led to her refusal of her parents’ wish that she would someday take over the inn. She didn’t hate her parents, nor did she hate the inn. She simply lived for her freedom.”(pg. 183) Before her sister died, she never once considered going back in time because she never saw the point due to the rules. Plus, if she was Ne Dom, she would question the miracle behind the cafe. Maybe even try and find some loopholes but she doesn’t. “But even once Hirai knew about traveling to the past, she never once considered doing so herself. She lived life in the fast lane and had no regrets. And what was the point anyway, she thought, if the rules meant you couldn’t change the present, no matter how hard you tried?” (Pg. 190) This quote ^ also shows Se-Ti more than Ne-Ti. In fact, her Ni inf is what caused her to have a moment of weakness because she never thought about the consequences of her actions. She was selfish, never thinking about how others would be affected with her decisions. Her Ni inf was also the moment where she started to jump into conclusion without any proof or explanation whatsoever. She just started to claim what she thought was true when it was completely false. Hirai thought her sister was mad at her because she left without thinking and not wanting to be tied down with the inn. With this in mind, Hirai thought her sister also shared the same feelings. “She resents me. I see it written on her face. Because of what I did, she is now going to be owner of an inn she doesn’t want to run. She wants me to come home so that she can be free.” (Pg. 201)


“One of the cafe regulars, she had just turned thirty and ran a nearby snack bar. She always came in for a cup of coffee before work.”

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