Lee jun-bin type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Lee jun-bin? Lee jun-bin est un type de personnalité ISTJ dans MBTI, 1w9 - - 136 dans Enneagram, RCOEN dans Big 5, LSI dans Socionics."

yalls comments aged badly lol. he's so based fr, I'm loving season 2 rn. also where tf even is ni? he has so much Te+si it's indisputable. ig from reading season 2, I can see why ppl r voting INTJ coz he is being creative and finding loopholes. not sure which flavor of xstj he is but being ESTJ and tert ne would explain his ideas. I feel like him finding loop holes is based on his knowledge of the law, which is si. and it's obvious he defaults to si>ne bcuz *spoiler alert for ppl who didn't read season 2* when he started working for the trpa, at first he was using his old methods of persecution (si) but when he realized they weren't efficient (Te), he used ne and tried new things thru the lens of his si. and I'm voting 3 fix over 4 bcuz I think he is more concerned about doing his job properly and what he thinks is right. he doesn't seem to be emotional or personally attached to any parts of his job as a lawyer or working with the trpa. and he is obviously pretty perfectionistic and seeking to do his job to the best of his ability, which align with 1, 3, and 6 (not saying other types don't do this, but these fixes together tend to present these traits more). and 136 is more compatible with xstj anyway. both 3 and 4 are heart types, but 3 tends to be more of a "head" type from the two of them, and I think that fits him more. I'm still learning classic Jungian but he strikes me as et(s) as opposed to is(t), so I'll be voting that and ISTJ for now.


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