Nora Valkyrie type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Nora Valkyrie? Nora Valkyrie est un type de personnalité ENFP dans MBTI, 7w8 - - dans Enneagram, dans Big 5, dans Socionics."


Voiced By: Samantha Ireland an orange-haired student at Beacon and old friend of Ren who carries Magnhild, a war hammer that can be converted into a grenade launcher. In Volume 4, Nora has upgraded Magnhild, so that it can apparently hold a stronger electric charge.Her Semblance, "High Voltage",is the production and manipulation of electricity, allowing her to channel the energy to her muscles and gain superhuman strength. Nora is very talkative and hyperactive, which tends to annoy her teammates, but she's also the most positive member of the team. Nora was living on the streets of Kuroyuri when she was a child. When the village was attacked by Grimm, Ren saved her, beginning their friendship. Nora eventually admits her love for Ren but wants to find her own identity before entering a relationship with him.Her first name comes from the Nora Barlow Columbine, while her last name, "Valkyrie", is inspired by the female warriors found in Norse mythology. She alludes to the Norse god Thor.

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