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Clover [Genocide Route] type de personnalité MBTI

Clover [Genocide Route] type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Clover [Genocide Route]? Clover [Genocide Route] est un type de personnalité ENTJ dans MBTI, 1w2 - so/sx - dans Enneagram, RLOEI dans Big 5, LSE dans Socionics."

I was thinking about voting ESTJ just because of this need of me to be such a contrarian, but ENTJ makes a lot of sense and here's why. I will only use a example for this argument: The Axis part. In that part of the game we really see the Ni vision, Flowey knows it's a waste of time destroy all the robots, but Clover does it because "They are responsible.", his vision of this justice of him is really complex, and Axis revealing what he did just proves Clover's point. Also, we really see how Clover is against the rules here, just shooting the things to make it work, I think a Te Si would solve things differently, just because they may understand or at least care about the risks of destroying things, Clover at this point is just centered on the mission.


The Genocide Route leads to one of the three main endings of Undertale yellow. It consists of the protagonist killing every possible monster in the Underground.

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