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Omen type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Omen? Omen est un type de personnalité INTJ dans MBTI, 5w4 - sp/so - 584 dans Enneagram, RLOEI dans Big 5, ILI dans Socionics."

ok this guy is full of Te that i would vote ENTJ for him if his Fi wasnt this strong, "My burden never ends."Fi "They think they know pain? They can't begin to comprehend it."Fi these are some quotes of him that i think suggests strong Fi,now lets go for Te "I can feel their panic rising. Drive it into them."Te "Sad fools standing in our way."Te "They died underneath our boots."Te "Pity the man who dies meaningless."Te/Fi "History has already forgotten you."Te pretty stereotypical but this quote gave me HIGH Ni vibes:"I know how this will end." ""It ends..... For now."Ni OH AND THE MOST IMPORTANT FI QUOTES ARE WHEN THERE IS AN OMEN IN THE ENEMY TEAM: "There is...another of me? How many times did I get ripped apart? How many times did I die?"Fi "I'll kill that Omen. I'll take his memories. I will remember..."Te/Fi when Viper is an ally:"Sabine, look at the monsters we've become. At least you have flesh to hide your horror."Te/Fi so yeh thats about it for now


A phantom of a memory, Omen hunts in the shadows. He renders enemies blind, teleports across the field, then lets paranoia take hold as his foe scrambles to learn where he might strike next. His basic abilities are Shrouded Step, which lets him teleport to a marked location in a limited range, and Paranoia, a shadow projectile that briefly reduces the vision range of players it hits and can be fired through walls. His signature ability is Dark Cover, which fires a shadow orb at a marked location and creates a shadow globe that blocks sight. His ultimate ability is From the Shadows, which calls up a tactical map and teleports Omen to a selected location after a brief charge up. While channeling, Omen appears as a shade at his destination where he can observe the surrounding area, but can also be shot by enemies to cancel the teleport.

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