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Wataru Matoba type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Wataru Matoba? Wataru Matoba est un type de personnalité INTJ dans MBTI, 6w5 - sp/so - dans Enneagram, RLOAI dans Big 5, ESI dans Socionics."

waves. hi its the annoying wataru oshi again, i was wondering if we ever considered sp1? it seems likely that he's either a 6 with an extremely strong 1 fix or vice versa; but after rereading the stories i'm starting to believe that he could be the latter, especially since self-preservation 1s are commonly mistaken for 6s because of how similar the passion of worry is to e6 fear. for comparison, here are some quotes from an abridged version of naranjo's 27 enneagram subtypes: "Ichazo called the characteristic passion of one conservation 'anguish'. However, he preferred to use the word 'worry'. It could be said, in effect, that in this type of person concern constitutes a true passion. And it is not just a behavior that can be described as worrying too much- or even feeling a need to worry- but they worry about things that are right, and sometimes they spoil what they touch by trying to fix what does not need fixing. This need to worry can be understood as an exaggerated need for foresight and to have everything under control, in turn motivated by a fear that their survival or conservation will be threatened." this stuck out to me as... basically a description of his character, as from the very beginning wataru is introduced as a pessimist who worries constantly about the outcome of a situation even when he doesn't necessarily have to; sometimes to a comical extreme, which resulted in the recurring gag about him having a "backup for the backup" on hand for any given item, which was most prominent both in puchigonavis and in a few of the in-character live shows. in a lot of cases he tends to deal with his anxiety by trying to predict the worst possible outcome of a situation to prevent it before it happens (if i may direct your attention towards yuto's initial 3* card story, where he brings up a story about someone falling & getting injured during a show and suggests getting nonslip shoes the day of a live). "In reality, the image that he has of himself is that of being too imperfect and that is why his activity becomes a constant and obsessive improvement of himself." this seems to be reflected pretty well by chapter 3 of the argonavis band story— because he's constantly comparing his own abilities to the standard set by gyroaxia (and especially his brother), he ends up stuck in a cycle of dissatisfaction with his own work and how it might reflect on the band's image. while attempting to combat this, he accidentally neglects his own needs and emotions in pursuit of writing a "better" song, and it takes rio scolding him about the lyrics for him to realize that he was no longer enjoying it as much as he was just desperately trying to write a song that others would approve of. "His anger, on the other hand, is shielded by a kind benevolence and an attitude of service that does not let his anger and resentment show through. That is, it transforms your anger into goodwill." this is another thing i believe is directly represented in the game story; following the incident with shu, wataru was genuinely upset about having his notebook destroyed and could easily have punished him by telling the other members of argonavis that shu was the culprit so epsilon phi would be pulled from lrfes. however, he intentionally neglects to do so because he's worried about shu having acted out for attention and doesn't want to see him punished. essentially, his anger at the situation is overridden by his desire to help (or at least) understand shu, despite not necessarily needing to take on that responsibility. i feel like the passion of anger for e1 sort of misleads people when typing him, because wataru isn't a very anger-centered person by any means, but even then it is evident in his character. he obviously expresses it most directly when dealing with people like rio and kenta, whom he doesn't seem to have a problem expressing disdain for; as a side note, at the risk of delving into character analysis i think it's interesting that he dislikes rio at first because they don't share the value of hard work (or at least he thinks that they don't), which does feel somewhat reflective of e1's focus on ideals. aside from that, though, i think what appears more in his character is frustration rather than outright anger, which often ends up being the reason he snaps at others when provoked. frustration is also mentioned a lot in later interpretations of the sp1 trait structure based on naranjo (i think chestnut talks about it?), and seems to be a lot more fitting of a lens to view e1 traits through here


The bassist and lyricist of Argonavis. He is also a literature student and tries to be realistic about the band's potential in contrast to Yuto's positivity. His older brother Kenta is also in a band, which inspired him to pick up bass. He has an inferiority complex towards his older brother and wants to surpass him.

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