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  3. Love Island USA

JaNa (S6) type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est JaNa (S6)? JaNa (S6) est un type de personnalité ENFJ dans MBTI, 3w2 - sx/so - 371 dans Enneagram, dans Big 5, dans Socionics."

They way she pseudo morphs into what she thinks is the ideals of whoever’s attention she wants at the moment is so Fe-Ni & Sx3. But the way she aggressively tries to please & cater men and would always try to be there for everyone makes it undeniable she’s ENFJ. She’s clearly comfortable with Se so it’s tert and the way she doesn’t really dissect the things she says and thinks gives inferior Ti (plus that flower meltdown was def insecurity about her lack of Ti showing 💀💀) I root for her, but there was something about her that I’ve always found unsettling that I couldn’t put my finger on. Outside her pick me ways (just keeping it 100% and if she wasn’t PPG this would be called out more often) her being ENFJ makes sense. As a Ti dom even if I don’t mind the person there will always be an essence about them that makes it hard to be fully fond of yet other people be going crazy for it and I never get it lool. She is Sx3 (her awareness of being perceived is way too palpable to not be E3) but I’m surprised at there being no Sx2 votes which she could def pass as while Leah has so many when she doesn’t scream it… Anyway happy for her & Kenny


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