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  3. Black Myth: Wukong

Sun Wukong type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Sun Wukong? Sun Wukong est un type de personnalité ENTP dans MBTI, 8w7 - SX8 - dans Enneagram, dans Big 5, SLE dans Socionics."

经典西游记中亦或是黑神话中,孙悟空都是比较典型的ENTP,有着ENTP特有的叛逆、好奇心强、嬉笑怒骂种种特点。 理由如下: 1. Ne-Si轴,Ne的本质在于各种各样灵感之间的“联系”,是一种思维发散的体现,从一个灵感跳到另一个灵感,在人身上的体现就是脑洞大开。在最终BOSS战中,大圣的棍法变化无穷,甚至还有定身抢酒的彩蛋,输赢对他来说无所谓,他只是好奇主角想怎么玩?葫芦装的什么药?还有没有别的有意思的招数快拿出来看看。泼猴、顽猴是非常形象的阐述。只有在经历过非常多的Ne想法后,才能通过Si沉淀出最后的结论,“认师傅修正果,只有这条路是给我们走的,长兄还不明白吗?” 2. Ti-Fe轴,这个太好判别了,见面先论辈分,看重猴子猴孙,与牛魔王结拜兄弟,齐天大圣等等,这些都是非常明显的Ti-Fe,几乎没有看到任何Fi。孙悟空不在乎输赢感受,而在乎外在形象,骂他弱说他菜他只会嬉笑,但骂他弼马温那比杀了他都难受。这些都是Fe阳面的体现。ENTP的预见性在于Ti的逻辑推理,这也是为什么游戏中悟空选择了精心布局自杀来摆脱紧箍咒,留下六根,一环接一环等待着下一个天命人。Ti不一定能达到最终效果,但一定有他的道理。 —————— In the classic Journey to the West, or in the black myth, Sun Wukong is a typical ENTP, with the characteristics of rebellion, curiosity, laughing and Shouting. The reasons are as follows: 1. The NE-Si axis, the essence of Ne lies in the "connection" between various inspirations, which is a reflection of divergent thinking, jumping from one inspiration to another, which is reflected in people's imagination. In the final BOSS battle, the master's club changes infinitely, and there are even eggs that are fixed to rob wine, winning or losing is not important to him, he is just curious about how the protagonist wants to play? What's in the gourd? Do you have any other interesting moves to show me. Splash monkey, stubborn monkey is a very vivid description. Only after experiencing a lot of Ne ideas, can the final conclusion be drawn through Si precipitation, "Admit that the master has corrected the fruit, only this road is for us to go, brother still does not understand?" 2. Ti-Fe axis, this is too easy to distinguish, meet first on the generation, value the monkey monkey sun, fraternal brothers with the bull demon King, the Great Saint, etc., these are very obvious Ti-Fe, almost no Fi. Sun Wukong does not care about the feeling of winning or losing, but cares about the external image, scold him weak said he would only laugh, but scold him to be better than killing him. These are the embodiment of the positive side of Fe. ENTP's predictability lies in Ti's logical reasoning, which is why in the game Wukong chose to carefully layout suicide to get rid of the curse, leaving six roots, one by one, waiting for the next man of heaven. Ti may not be able to achieve the final effect, but it must have his reason.


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