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Shin Jimin type de personnalité MBTI

Shin Jimin type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Shin Jimin? Shin Jimin est un type de personnalité ENTP dans MBTI, 3w4 - sx/sp - 387 dans Enneagram, SLOEI dans Big 5, LIE dans Socionics."

I feel incredibly bad for her after seeing the recent updates on the situation. Even if she's been proven innocent, the damage has already been done. I hope she recovers well. On another note, could someone please explain Fe-dom to me? I do believe she uses Fe, I just don't know if I can see it being her dominant function. I don't think it's inferior though. I definitely think it's in her main stack. From her messages to Mina and her mannerisms, she does show care towards others, I just think she may have struggled expressing it properly (hence why people dug up videos of her supposedly being "mean", "cold" or "heartless"). I saw a lot of people using her scolding Mina for "ruining the mood" as an argument for Jimin being either unhealthy Fe-dom or just straight up Fe-blind, but I disagree. If you read the transcript put out by Dispatch of when the AOA members visited Mina's house to apologize, Jimin seemed to be trying her best to sincerely apologize and take accountability for hurting Mina in any way, even if she didn't remember, but then got frustrated/stressed with her, saying something alomg the lines of "there's no point" and/or "there's nothing we can do". It's not that she didn't care, I think she just didn't know how to handle the situation emotionally. Judging from the past clips resurfaced of her being "cold" towards others, I think she just doesn't know how to react when it comes to other peoples' emotions. She does show some Fe (her text messages towards Mina, I'll give more examples when I remember), but I just don't think she knows exactly how to use it very well, and when she does so, she struggles with using it in a healthy way (her telling Mina she's ruining the mood). I do think it's stronger than her Si, though. I haven't really seen many instances of her using Si > Ne or Si > Fe, so I might update my vote if provided with more evidence (?) of her being ESFJ. Sorry if my comment is wordy. I kept wanting to expand more on what I was saying since I felt like I wasn't explaining well enough, lol.


Shin Jimin (born January 8, 1991), is a South Korean rapper and singer. She is best known for being the former leader and main rapper of the girl group AOA, which debuted in 2012 under FNC Entertainment. She left the group in July, 2020.

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