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  3. Neon Genesis Evangelion: ANIMA

Kyoko Zeppelin Sohryu type de personnalité MBTI

Kyoko Zeppelin Sohryu type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Kyoko Zeppelin Sohryu? Kyoko Zeppelin Sohryu est un type de personnalité dans MBTI, - - dans Enneagram, dans Big 5, dans Socionics."


Kyoko's soul has been inside both Evangelion Unit-02 Type II Allegorica and Evangelion EURO-II Heurtebise, since it used parts of it as testbed for the development of the Heurtebise unit. Unlike the TV series, she is shown to be alive, living in a small hamlet near the Rhine. Asuka Langley Sohryu in her Torwart A1 form and Hikari Horaki visited the place where Kyoko lives in order to see her. Kyoko was asleep in her bed. Her situation is that she is being held in one of the Europe's Evangelion Research facility that also held the failed Evangelion candidates, those who weren't chosen by Heurtebise would live there until their death under strict observation. Alongside those failed pilots, other individuals who possed highly sensitive information would be kept there too. Kyoko's is described as a pale woman with sunken cheeks. Her brain fluctuations were active a few hours previously the visit by Asuka and Hikari. She is equipped with implants that creates a calming enviroment.

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