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G5 Iguazu type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est G5 Iguazu? G5 Iguazu est un type de personnalité dans MBTI, 4w3 - - dans Enneagram, dans Big 5, dans Socionics."

Another great character, let me do my best to try and explain. Se - Clear reliance on senses; communicates bluntly, makes observations Ti - Underlying logic behind his actions, makes decisions on his own, unafraid of violent confrontation if it solves his problems, clear disregard for ethics at times Fe - Where lol!? JK, this is probably why he is taken up by Michigan in the first place. Still shows up on Ice worm mission, goes AWOL when he feels he isn't being treated fairly for wall climber mission, "What makes YOU so special?!" clearly cares about why people are being treated differently. Low levels because he still clearly prioritizes logic and reasoning over values. Ni - The reason he is willing to go so far to kill you, using Allmind as a means to an end He is a loudmouthed character with a bad attitude (for the entire game lol), and despite him calling us a "FREELANCER" the whole game, that's what he genuinely thinks of us when we first meet him in-game. Once we establish contact with Ayre, the ringing starts to play in his ears whenever we are around him, and his hatred of us only grows. All the while, we succeed where he fails, compounding into a deep insecurity about us. This growing distaste and blatant jealousy/insecurity is not stereotypically associated with thinker types in general or Ti/Fe users, but I think he is a prime example of how some ESTPs actually have emotional problems! Wow, shocker! Anyways, in his case, the problem he has with us is that we (c4-621) are emotionally numb, unresponsive, logical, and similar to him in circumstantial ways. The difference he CAN identify with us is that to him, we are better at what he perceives himself to be good at, despite knowing all too well that we come from the same generation of augmentation as him. The truth is, he just couldn't identify what made 621 so special. And in the face of failure, lost sight of what made him special to people like Michigan. Iguana could have been an amazing character with lots of opportunities to show off all his good sides had he only made better decisions and overcome his insecurities. His best moments are ironically in the final phase of his boss fight when he basically tells Allmind she can go shove it when she offers him power. He opens up about his jealousy of you and goes out swinging. In my mind, an ESFP would have given up. An ESTJ might have tried to take control of Allmind's power. But not Iguazu; he chose to die in a battle if it meant he would fight you, the "freelancer who had it all." A tragic hero's death is exactly what he wanted here. It's a shame he lost sight of why he was taken in by the Redguns. But he didn't make the same mistake with Allmind. She was just a means to an end, the logical next step to getting rid of his insecurities the only way he knew how. Whether he died, or killed you, he put himself in a win-win situation in what I consider to be one of the most unexpected plot twists I've come across in a modern game.


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