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Reiji Karasuma type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Reiji Karasuma? Reiji Karasuma est un type de personnalité ISTJ dans MBTI, 1w9 - sp/so - 316 dans Enneagram, RCOEI dans Big 5, dans Socionics."

I’m curious about the 1w9, at first I agreed on it since he looked like the “composed” character with good ethics, but after reading his stories I think that maybe 3w fits him better, specifically 3w4 -1w vs 3w - What they have in common is efficacy and task-oriented attitude, that’s something that Reiji has (On surface, since it’s implied that his personality came from faking his original one multiple times), but 1 wings are idealists and the where they want more order is in their own lives and have issues when they’re imperfect, 3w unlike them are driven more by their goal (Reiji mentioning “whatever I must do for my goal” in idk how many stories) and are more versatile in tactics to make their goal closer. 3ws present the emotion that seems more suitable at the moment (Reiji doing that in an unhealthy way with Miyuki in Gyro main story or his adoptive parents on his Senbozakura event card) and detaches his true feelings instead of suppressing them. (I’m kind of bad at comparing enneagrams since I don’t know a lot about them on a deeper level, so I’m not sure if that’s correct) For 3w4 I saw a good description of an Unhealthy 3w4 that fits him a lot: (https://funkymbtifiction.tumblr.com/post/175370417630/healthy-unhealthy-heart-triad/amp) “hides loss of self-worth behind a veneer of artificial coolness. If the success-orientation of the three becomes too compulsive, and the fourish introspection gets out of hand, 3w4s lose their genuineness. They become less socially adept, and manipulative…Capable of great atrocities just like 3w2, except that due to the greater self-examination of the four-wing, such crimes are more likely isolated cases. Can be self-destructive as all the normal rules of social conduct are abandoned in an attempt to generate attention of any kind from others.,” Tadaomi once mentioned that before telling him what happened to his family Reiji was “Kind, pure and smart” and when he made his “revenge” plan he started to wear “masks” at the point that he doesn’t know what is his true personality at all (In the Rain epilogue), and instead of “searching for attention” he can do “whatever he needs to do” for his revenge plan (Another reason why I’m not too sure is because he’s vague AF, at some point I can imagine that if the project becomes popular with the new game and we learn more about him the new consensus is something new lol //J)


The drummer of εpsilonΦ. The adopted child of the Karasuma Family, who has served the Ujigawa Conglomerate for a long time, leaving him stuck as Shu's personal servant. Generally polite and level-headed, but he looks down on humanity and is something of a neat freak.

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