1. Personnes et Personnages
  2. Littérature
  3. Uncle Vanya (Anton Chekhov)

Yelena Andreyevna type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Yelena Andreyevna? Yelena Andreyevna est un type de personnalité ESFJ dans MBTI, 9w8 - sx/sp - dans Enneagram, dans Big 5, dans Socionics."

im so willing to be convinced by other opinions about everything besides her functions, i am SET on her being on an Si-Ne axis, and quite convinced of Fe-Ti as well. she is so in tune with her personal sensations, they’re literally the way she enters several scenes. smelling the air, the weather being “not too hot”, ill play and ill weep etc… the way she is remarked to occupy spaces and swan around in her own world. its like she uses her Si observations to funnel into her need for others to feel at peace with her entry. she has very much repressed her own logic and rationale for the sake of playing her part in the estate, she speaks of her existence in the footnotes of others’ lives like it is unchangeable and she has not allowed herself to dwell on it. however, it is certainly there yet repressed. she is drawn to certain people such as she was to the professor and the doctor because “we must love them”. her judgement of marrying the professor was based off him being famous, thus the collective consensus influenced her emotional perspective towards him with such importance. i think of yelena very much as someone who views the world as a larger tribe that she must be instinctually concerned with. she has also never let go of her routines and her training in piano, only for the sake of servicing her current situation off the arm of the professor. we get a striking moment of hers when she is opening up to sonya, asking her to give people the benefit of the doubt and of how life is impossible to live fully. “your eyes”, yelena timidly but directly draws intention from sonyas glances over the years and how they felt and why she may have been looking at her some way…. but her concern with this is really surrounding how sonya feels. her concern is outside of her own emotional experience and she waves it of punctually. she wishes the best for sonya, but isnt sure how else to deliver her to said state and is very attentive to what her stepdaughter says, and has immediate forgiveness when sonya herself tunes out. im not the best at writing these comments but i think these characters and their toned down lives and routines are fantastic to examine in the scenes we get from them. would love to hear more comments on these types of works or direction to more where people are chatting away!


Image taken from the 2020 adaptation of Uncle Vanya

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