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Frederick II type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Frederick II? Frederick II est un type de personnalité ENTP dans MBTI, 5w4 - - 584 dans Enneagram, SLOEI dans Big 5, LIE dans Socionics."

Wish they'd revamp Federico II in Civ 7. He definitely deserves his own scenes/dialogue, and his perks could be unique additions. He's too extraordinary a character to be left out.


Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor, King of Sicily and Jerusalem, (1194-1250) was perhaps the most brilliant and powerful European monarch of the Middle Ages. His vibrant court and his reputation as a polymath and polyglot, a statesman and lawgiver, as well as a philosopher, poet, scientist, and mathematician earned him the nickname "Stupor Mundi" (Wonder of the World) from his astonished contemporaries.

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