Olrox type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Olrox? Olrox est un type de personnalité INTJ dans MBTI, 5w4 - sp/sx - dans Enneagram, RCOEI dans Big 5, dans Socionics."

I don't really care about the rest of the show that much but I love him. He also strikes me as an antihero more than a villain, especially with how he only killed Richter's mom in retribution, he tried to convince Mizrak to not work for the Abbot, he worked against colonizers, he consistently kept Mizrak out of danger and helped Richter, and in the end he seems pretty reasonable for not trying to blindly throw himself at Erzebet when brute force clearly won't work and he could instead later betray her at a key moment when she may have believed he was trustworthy. I don't think he deserved what Mizrak said to him about just being an animal, especially when he mainly seems to be doing the best he can (also see donating to the homeless and literally eating the rich) I also like the way he was based off/aluded to be Quetzecoatl and the way he was able to turn to smoke and observe unbothered of events, only intervening when it made sense, and it's totally an ability I wish I had too. Overall, I really enjoyed his character and I hope we see more of him in season 2 :) When it comes to type, I can totally see XNTJ and he reminds me a lot of another INTJ in media, Viren, who was also not appreciated for all that he did for the person he seemed to love rip, but also the moment where he's forced to bow you can see how much he despises it and wants to make Erzebet pay.


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