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Li Zhao Yu "ISO" type de personnalité MBTI

Li Zhao Yu "ISO" type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Li Zhao Yu "ISO"? Li Zhao Yu "ISO" est un type de personnalité ISTP dans MBTI, 6w5 - sx/sp - 648 dans Enneagram, RCOAI dans Big 5, dans Socionics."

He's definitely not INTJ, that's a vibe type. His voicelines just dropped so I will be typing him based on those. "Instinct only goes so far, skill covers the rest." Shows his preference of external capability over intuition, Se over Ni He affects his surroundings in a way that suits his preference: forcing you to 1v1 him without util, putting on songs, using shields. To me this clearly shows Se>ni. He says to hold celebrations and that they are not done yet, focusing on the present moment instead of the potential future. He questions a lot. Like what we learn by fighting ourself. How he does it is philosophical in a way, which reminds me of Ti doms talking to themselves. Could definitely be Fi as well. "What's the mission? Kill contract? Sorry, I forgot to read the brief." ...This man is just a classic ISXP. "To them, we are trespassers. Their fight is justified. But we still have a job to do." This to me looks like Fi-Te. However I can also see that he has broken apart the mechanics of gun fighting (and valorant in general) and strives to do "textbook perfect" accordingly. That to me is also Ti-Fe, specifically Ti Dom backed by Se aux. It's either ISTP or ISFP. I will be going with ISTP for now. As for his enneagram I would say it's probably 6w5. He says he has responsibility, and "when we go out there, someone dies, carry that weight". It reminds me of a classic 6 type, seeking security and protecting others.


Iso is a Chinese fixer for hire, using ambient energy around the map to provide himself with shields, cover, and giant 1v1 arenas. As a duelist, his abilities are focused on killing opponents with only limited team play utility.

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