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Banshee type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Banshee? Banshee est un type de personnalité INFJ dans MBTI, 5w4 - sx/sp - 549 dans Enneagram, RLOEI dans Big 5, dans Socionics."

they switched the crucifix weakness to the demon. now the banshee lowers sanity during singing events more than other ghosts instead


Banshees are described as natural hunters. They will attempt to slowly stalk and pick off the ghost hunters one by one, by selectively targeting one investigator at a time. Banshees fear the Crucifix, increasing its effectiveness against them. Banshee is a natural hunter and will attack anything. It has been known to stalk its prey one at a time until it makes its kill. Unlike other ghosts, who will often change their selected target between Hunts, Banshees will always target the same player every time it hunts until it successfully kills them. While this means other players are safe from the Banshee's power so long as its target is alive, it makes carrying out objectives by the targeted player more difficult.
