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Kim Donghyun type de personnalité MBTI

Kim Donghyun type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Kim Donghyun? Kim Donghyun est un type de personnalité ISFP dans MBTI, 4w3 - so/sp - dans Enneagram, dans Big 5, dans Socionics."

Fi-Se-Ni-Te why Kim donghyun Has Fi Dominance: Character Summary:A loyal Individual who stick with his friends side by side and have a accident injury that reduce his fighting style in a way that he won't be able to brawl effectively this changes one day as he miraculously Recovered from his friend. Fi/Fe The Fi can't handle the sight of others getting hurt as this function helps you develop the way to effectively have the confidence and power to Help someone the one that guides his values as a way to have a reason worth fighting for. Shattered The loyalty have shattered because of less hope he don't want others to get hurt because of him mostly his brother he will took any damages from his body so that the The Fi Also can't be a hero for too long and it loses the Healthy function when the Fi itself loses the power to prove there individualism as way to exist. He is suffering an internal conflict of himself, the other fighters was better than him that the internal individualism has taken its toll the reason is his existential crisis which has taken over anxiety that Himself are no better. Se/SI Se is an action function that allows you to explore the world through pure instinct as a way to react swiftly and precisely as the Fi Dominance. the given example: The individual Fights nexus fighters because of a non fair injustice in this world and the treatment of its group to the environment around them as a way he began to eradicate this problem by using his will and ability to be able to protect what he desires. Ni/Ne His mindset first Te/Ti Te


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