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Andrew Santino type de personnalité MBTI

Andrew Santino type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Andrew Santino? Andrew Santino est un type de personnalité ENTP dans MBTI, 8w7 - so/sx - 873 dans Enneagram, dans Big 5, SLE dans Socionics."

Andrew is NOT a 7w8 or 8w7. People, 7w6 can argue and talk **** too just as hard. What show are you guys watching when you think Andrew is a type 8? You guys are either watching a completely different show or you associates type 8's with power and respect, which Andrew is disserving of. He's way too wholesome even behind the scenes. After watching more bad friends Santino has so many signs of him being a 7w6 with his positivity and need to help people and organize a community / group through the fans, he rarely goes out of his way to dominate. The further you go into bad friends the more you'll see him being supporting and actively going out of his way for Bobby and his niece to the point of focus and near obsession with a want for purpose (literal pathfinding of 7w6) look at his heart fill and his stutter when Rudy calls him Tito for the first time, Santino literally doesn't know how to react as he smiles with fulfillment as he says "I'm in the family now". Also during Bobby's break up with Khalyla and the introduction of Juicy, you'll notice only then does Andrew gets more aggressive with Rudy (but not ruthless, he does little things when she's uncomfortable or hurt to make her feel better). The dude also does a lot of charity work for homeless youths and is not judgmental nor banters about it. People often think 7w6 don't have bite because of their counterparts 7w8 are aggressive, 7w6 can bite but they're a lot more diplomatic about it. Santino is also a lot less needlessly aggressive compared someone like Patrice Oneal or Nick Mullen who are proper 7w8


Andrew Henry Santino (born October 16, 1983) is an American stand-up comedian, actor, and podcaster known for television series and films such as Sin City Saints, The Disaster Artist, Mixology, I'm Dying Up Here, Beef, and Dave. He was also the star of a YouTube web series called Duncan Rocks. Santino produces and hosts the podcast Whiskey Ginger, where he interviews friends in the entertainment industry as they reflect on their past while sipping whiskey. In 2020, Santino began co-hosting the Bad Friends podcast with Bobby Lee. -Wikipedia

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