Hina type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Hina? Hina est un type de personnalité ISFJ dans MBTI, 2w1 - sx/so - dans Enneagram, dans Big 5, EII dans Socionics."


She is a sweet blue-haired, blue-eyed girl. At the age of five she lost her mother, who was sucked into the Abyss as she had a Count of 0. The last words she said to her mother were about the search for her legendary Ace. . Hina from that moment begins the journey in search of the infamous hero ending up meeting Licht Bach in a small town. After learning that he is the legendary Ace she was looking for, she does everything to be able to be with him, beginning to nurture deep feelings of love too. She presents the kilometers spent walking as I count.

Anime et manga caractères similaires à Hina
