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  3. SMG4

Stu and Pid type de personnalité MBTI

Stu and Pid type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Stu and Pid? Stu and Pid est un type de personnalité ISTJ dans MBTI, 7w6 - - dans Enneagram, dans Big 5, dans Socionics."

Something tells me the few ENFP voters either have never watched the show or just personally hate us ENFPs to call us stupid.


Stu & Pid are obstacles in SMG3's lair to prevent Mario and SMG4 from stopping him from uploading a video containing content of SMG4's weirdest and most embarrassing moments. They debut in SM64 Bloopers: SMG3's Gauntlet of Gloom. Stu and Pid are Piranha Plants who seem to be brothers, and as their combined name suggests, they are StuPid. They constantly fight over small things and call each other dumb which is, in fact, true, again relating to their combined name. Stu is a yellow Piranha Plant with white polka-dots and is Pid's brother, Stu is the plant who is a liar and according to him, Pid likes to show off with saying stuff to make him "look tough" Pid is a purple Piranha Plant with white polka-dots and is Stu's brother. Pid tells the truth. He apparently annoys his brother to the point that Stu says that the stuff he does is dumb.

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