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Aichi Sendou type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Aichi Sendou? Aichi Sendou est un type de personnalité INFJ dans MBTI, 9w1 - sx/so - 926 dans Enneagram, RLOAI dans Big 5, IEI dans Socionics."

I feel like in season 1 Aichi was INFP, but as he grew as a character, he started to become more of an INFJ as he became more confident and happier with himself. This is just what I observed.


A shy middle school student. He was given the Blaster Blade card by Kai after the latter ran into him after he had been bullied. Years later, this same card being stolen led him to Card Capital where he met with Kai again. In the Highschool arc, he is now a student at Miyaji Academy and seeks to establish a Cardfight Club. Aichi plays a Royal Paladin deck centered around his avatar card Blaster Blade which he supports through the use of the Alfred cards whose skills make it easier to call him. He also focuses on filling up his rearguard circles by calling additional allies through other means for card advantage while increasing the power of his units through the use of their skills or the Force gift marker thus giving his deck a good balance of attack and defense.

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