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Penny Crygor type de personnalité MBTI

Penny Crygor type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Penny Crygor? Penny Crygor est un type de personnalité ENFP dans MBTI, 7w6 - so/sx - dans Enneagram, SCUAI dans Big 5, dans Socionics."

I'll attempt to point out Fi and Ne using some of the English lyrics of her song, as well as a quote from WarioWare: Smooth Moves. I'll probably add on once I see more dialogue and plot she has. "She will stand up proud and sing out loud for you, cause it's true, that's penny through and through!" / "This was her favorite, here you can try it, she made it for you!" She's driven to be proud and loud because she wants to be true to herself, only singing to people when it aligns with her value of self-expression. Likewise she's driven to express which of her inventions she likes and that's what makes her want to recommend them to certain people. About the "made it for you": an alternative interpretation is that she was requested to make something and then, when the requester came along to pick it up, she told them that it's her favorite and that she wants them to try it because she likes it. "Though her plans may go awry, she's gonna get back up and try" / "Trial and error fused with ingenuity" Examples of high Ne or Se, especially with a lack of ability to follow through their plans and focusing on trial and error as a method to find what 'fits'. As opposed to high Ni or Si, which is prone to zero in on a single likelihood and discard what seems too different, and would've found trial and error to be somewhat a last resort if their deductive reasoning doesn't work. "I started learning forms to satisfy my intellectual curiosity!" - WarioWare: Smooth Moves This is an example of Ne. One could've used the stereotype of Ti to label it Ti, but Ne is about a mental curiosity and being driven to try new things. Ti is about sharpening one's impersonal and subjective values. Ti Ne would be more shown in saying, "I started learning forms to understand the mechanics behind what makes them work /and/ to satisfy my intellectual curiosity." Her actual quote goes against the Ti-dom vote.


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