1. Personnes et Personnages
  2. Bandes dessinées Web
  3. Heliocentric

Helios / Sun type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Helios / Sun? Helios / Sun est un type de personnalité ENFJ dans MBTI, 3w2 - so/sx - dans Enneagram, dans Big 5, dans Socionics."


Helios is a very friendly and outgoing individual, he's as extroverted as a person can get, his social battery is always on 100%, he's never socially tired and is always excited to socialise and make friends with everybody! He's also a man of many skills, he's both emotionally and academically gifted and can easily become skilled with new techniques he's never tried before, making him a quick learner. He's very adventurous and loves to step out of his comfort zone, exploring new and fun exciting things which heightens his adrenaline. Helios is a well liked man in the project, loved and adored by everybody around him, his kindness and enthusiasm lights up many peoples' lives, boosting their mood and energy! Being around him is quite like having your own social battery recharged, or if you're feeling burnt out, he's the key to finding inspiration again -- truly, he's what you'd consider a miracle.

Bandes dessinées Web caractères similaires à Helios / Sun
