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Randy Rhoads type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Randy Rhoads? Randy Rhoads est un type de personnalité ISFP dans MBTI, 7w6 - - 649 dans Enneagram, RCOAI dans Big 5, IEI dans Socionics."

He sadly passed too quick to fully analyze his personality but from what he know, I wouldn't say he's a Ti dom. He made decisions based on feelings rather than logic, he wanted to pursue classical music to the point he was considering leaving the band and rock to get a degree. The whole decision wasn't based on logic at all and was solely based on what Randy wanted to do and how he wanted to go on with life. For his external personality, he was always described as very shy, innocent, humble and had a low ego. From the little parts we know about him, he seemed very morally good and often had a very emotional connection to his close ones (he would often get homesick while on tour) and overall had that Fi kindness and innocence. I did consider INFP, even ISFJ but he seemed to prefer Ni over Ne or Si, all his solos and riffs were so well-planned, so well thought out. I can't say much about him, wish I could, but from what we know, Fi-Se-Ni is probably the most likely for Randy. For 6w5, this can also be a lot to do with his very private nature. He was described as a very private and secretive person which possibly could be his 6. But of course, all of this is mostly pure speculation because we barely know a thing about him.


Randall William Rhoads (December 6, 1956 – March 19, 1982) was an American heavy metal guitarist who played with Quiet Riot and Ozzy Osbourne. A devoted student of classical guitar, Rhoads combined his classical music influences with his own heavy metal style. He died in a plane accident while on tour with Osbourne in Florida in 1982. Despite his short career, Rhoads, who was a major influence on neoclassical metal, is cited as an influence by many guitarists. Rhoads is included in several "Greatest Guitarist" lists.

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