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Nicole Demara (Cunning Hares) type de personnalité MBTI

Nicole Demara (Cunning Hares) type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Nicole Demara (Cunning Hares)? Nicole Demara (Cunning Hares) est un type de personnalité ESFP dans MBTI, 8w7 - sx/so - 837 dans Enneagram, SLUEN dans Big 5, SEE dans Socionics."

Why don't people think Nicole could be E3? She is a Se-Te materialist who only cares about money, her persona and being successful. She constantly swears when Enby and Billy make her look unprofessional. When she asked the main character to create a website for the Cunning Hares, she asked to add a function for automatically deleting negative comments. Before the launch of the game, after watching only the demo and teaser, I generally assumed that it could be Te dom. She threatened the debtors that they would meet her dead childhood best friend after a sad story with this friend. It was cool, but most of all it shows her as a person who can put aside her feelings in order to achieve results. At the same time, after going through the story, I still concluded that she is an ESFP with a strong Te. The moment that was indicative for me was when the main characters were hacked and the Cunning Bunnies remained trapped. Then Billy and Enby offered to hand over the main characters to the government, but Nicole was the only one who believed in them.


The leader of the odd-job agency the Cunning Hares, who accept all kinds of Hollow-related commissions. She's been on the streets for many years, and has a reputation among her peers as being exceedingly cunning. She's been blacklisted by many clients due to her all-or nothing approach. She loves money, but is surprisingly bad at managing it, leaving the Cunning Hares constantly on the edge of bankruptcy and owing many debts.

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