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  2. Les dessins animés
  3. The Owl House (2020)

Edalyn "Eda" Clawthorne type de personnalité MBTI

Edalyn "Eda" Clawthorne type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Edalyn "Eda" Clawthorne? Edalyn "Eda" Clawthorne est un type de personnalité ESTP dans MBTI, 7w8 - sp/sx - 783 dans Enneagram, SCUEI dans Big 5, ILE dans Socionics."

deeply bored of the intuitive bias on this site :/ Ne and Se can often look very similar due to shared impulsivity, rebellion, and a taste for adventure. The key difference between the two functions is that Ne is fixated on THINKING about things - planning for the future and dreaming up wild schemes within a purely imagined space. Ofc Ne doms can still be reckless and physical but most of the time, they're perfectly satisfied with their outlandish ideas never coming to fruition. They're the dreamers and ideamakers of the world (just like luz :)) Se doms however, are the type to come up with a reckless idea and then immediately act upon it. They charge headfirst into the unknown and see absolutely no point in simply ruminating upon thoughts. They're opportunistic and action-oriented - the people who would rather ask forgiveness than permission because rules were meant for breaking. Eda believes in instant gratification and is remarkably short-sighted when it comes to her goals and lifestyle. She takes life day by day, jumping between jobs and crazy experiences while managing her curse in a very temporary way rather than seeking a big-picture cure like her mother and sister (both of whom are Ne users). She's undoubtedly a sensory thrillseeker, as well as someone who's deeply attuned to both her inner and outer physical environments (athletic prowess, instinctual magical ability, fighting skills, etc). Not everyone who's offbeat, rebellious, and technically brilliant is an Ne dom. Not every witty, cynical, quick-thinking character is an ENTP. By that same token, not every Se dom is an oafish, unintellectual bully who thinks with their fists. If anything, I would say that even ESFP would be a better fit than ENTP, due to her strong values and unshakable sense of individualism. But anyways, as a snarky ESTP who was expelled from elementary school for my "fck around and find out" philosophy, I'm 99% certain that she's an ESTP as well.


Edalyn "Eda" Clawthorne is the deuteragonist of The Owl House. She is Luz's mentor and King's adoptive mother. She ran away from home as a teen after being cursed by her older sister Lilith, a curse which causes her to turn into the owl beast. Eda eventually became the most-wanted criminal and the most powerful wild witch on the Boiling Isles until her curse ended up entirely incapacitating her magical ability. During the Day of Unity, whilst attempting to save King from the Collector, she lost control of her curse and attacked, resulting in the Collector holding her captive in the Archive House. Eventually, she, Luz, and King convince the Collector what true friendship is, but not long after, Emperor Belos corrupts the Isles in an attempt to destroy it. After a grueling battle, they manage to defeat Belos and end his reign of terror. During the series epilogue, Eda becomes the Headmaster of the newly established University of Wild Magic.

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