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Ann Reardon (How To Cook That) type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Ann Reardon (How To Cook That)? Ann Reardon (How To Cook That) est un type de personnalité ISFJ dans MBTI, 6w5 - so/sp - 612 dans Enneagram, SCOAI dans Big 5, LSE dans Socionics."

I understand how people think she's Fe-dominant, but its the inferior Ti that trips me up because... can your Ti develop that much? I see the Fe in the way she uses her knowledge and research for other people's wellbeing, but she seems to have no problem making sure everything is logical - she fact-checks all the time, and doesn't have that inferior Ti problem of having a hard time logically justifying herself. As an ENFJ said when explaining inferior Ti, "When we encounter a new idea or piece of information, we evaluate it on the spot. Once it's met a certain threshold of proof or substantiation, we accept it as provisionally true. But we only store the fact/conclusion, not the proof or the argument that led us to accept it." She's exceptionally good at sifting through evidence and explaining why things work a certain way. It also doesn't make sense that (if she is an ESFJ) she would be Ni-blind. She doesn't miss the obvious nor is she gullible - hence the debunking videos. In contrast, an ISFJ has Si-Fe-Ti-Ne, which means she also has a Te-blindspot. She seems very emotionally invested in certain topics for the betterment of others and can't view it in an objective way - for example, when she uses her platform to bring awareness to how people are spreading misinformation through life hacks online. One tumblr post said it nicely: "Si-doms can be emotionally triggered in a variety of ways, such as: being contradicted by someone who is not in touch with factual details, hearing people reject factual data, [...] being forced to deviate from plans or routines without warning, being forced to confront completely unknown/new situations, chaotic/noisy/disorganized environments, situations where there are no rules or where the rules frequently change, having to improvise or brainstorm without warning". All in all, she seems more like an ISFJ with very strong Fe instead of an ESFJ. Sources (feel free to sift through the data yourself and compare/contrast): Ni-blindness / Ni PoLR: https://www.reddit.com/r/mbti/comments/j72gw7/a_description_of_ni_blindspot_with_examples/ Inferior Ti: https://www.reddit.com/r/mbti/comments/9m00ej/what_does_inferior_ti_look_like_in_exfjs/ Inferior Ne: https://mbti-notes.tumblr.com/post/128225101612/how-functions-work-inferior-ne-ISTJISFJ/


How To Cook That is a website and YouTube baking channel that provides video recipes on baking and decorating themed cakes, desserts, chocolate creations and other confectionery hosted by Ann Reardon. Prior to becoming a YouTube personality, Reardon worked as a qualified food scientist and dietitian.

l'Internet célébrité similaire à Ann Reardon (How To Cook That)
