Martin Lang type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Martin Lang? Martin Lang est un type de personnalité INTP dans MBTI, 4w5 - sx/sp - 451 dans Enneagram, RCUEI dans Big 5, IEI dans Socionics."

I'd argue everything he does is in service of his own subjective code of logic. Everything must factor into his subjective code even if it betrays his own emotions or the feelings of others. For example, not saving Kim and the whole exchange about biting his own arm. At first, it seems his revenge is emotionally motivated but you learn over time that there's really not a lot of emotion to it, he's only a judge, jury and executioner who has just witnessed a crime to the highest degree in the order of his logical configuration. It does not, however, have the orientation to the object you'd expect from a Te user. He does not speak with facts or speak for the facts, only rather with abstract, internal and subjective ideations that block out everything besides the peripherals in terms of external considerations.


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