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  2. La religion
  3. Norse

Heimdallr type de personnalité MBTI

Heimdallr type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Heimdallr? Heimdallr est un type de personnalité ISTJ dans MBTI, 1w9 - sp/so - 153 dans Enneagram, dans Big 5, LSI dans Socionics."


Heimdall (pronounced haym-dahl) is the watcher and guardian over Bifrost, the rainbow bridge, and he carries a mighty horn that he sounds when anyone approaches Asgard from the bridge. Friendly bashers hear only a sweet, low sound, but Heimdall greets enemies with a louder blast. He will not allow anybody to cross it without Odin's express permission. Some myths say Heimdall is the son of Odin and either simultaneously nine giant sisters or all nine daughters of Aegir and Ran. Heimdall was born on the horizon and nurtured on the strength of the earth, the moisture of the sea, and the warmth of the sun. He has the power to see a hundred miles by day or night, and his hearing is so sensitive that he can hear grass growing in Midgard. Heimdall visited Midgard in human guise and stayed one night in each of three different houses. Each house treated him differently, and he cursed or blessed their children accordingly. The result was the three social classes of the Asgardian world: thralls or slaves, free peasants, and nobles. In his true form, he is a strapping warrior in white armor. He carries a flashing sword and the famous alarm horn, Gjallerhorn. Heimdall and Loki have a burning hatred for each other. Here's the truth of it: Heimdall holds the trickster in complete contempt, and Loki can't stand the watcher's self-righteous nature. But most of the other deities find Heimdall witty and charming. He is the one who will summon the other gods to Ragnarok by blowing upon Gjallerhorn, which will then break from the blowing. Prophesies say that in the last battle, Loki will steal Heimdall's sword. Though Heimdall is destined to kill Loki in Ragnarok, he is fated to die soon thereafter of his own wounds.

La religion célébrité similaire à Heimdallr
