A. E. Housman type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est A. E. Housman? A. E. Housman est un type de personnalité dans MBTI, - - dans Enneagram, dans Big 5, dans Socionics."


Alfred Edward Housman (26 March 1859 – 30 April 1936) was an English classical scholar and poet. After an initially poor performance while at university, he took employment as a clerk in London and established his academic reputation by first publishing as a private scholar. Later Housman was appointed Professor of Latin at University College London and then at the University of Cambridge. He is now acknowledged as one of the foremost classicists of his age and has been ranked as one of the greatest classical scholars of any time.[1][2] His editions of Juvenal, Manilius, and Lucan are still considered authoritative.

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