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Paru (Cherene Toriumi) type de personnalité MBTI

Paru (Cherene Toriumi) type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Paru (Cherene Toriumi)? Paru (Cherene Toriumi) est un type de personnalité ISTP dans MBTI, 8w9 - - dans Enneagram, SLOEI dans Big 5, dans Socionics."


Cherene Toriumi ( Tandavanitj ตัณฑวณิช also known as Paru ; born 24 January 1992). She is a member of the royal family from Phuket. Tanthawanich clan from Phuket of King Rama V of Thailand. She is the 7th generation owner of over 100 years history the blue elephant and chinpacha , governor mansion in Phuket ( the first Sino Portuguese mansion and the model house from the famous films such as crazy rich Asians , Indiana jones ( the young Indians jones chronicles 1992 ) , heaven and earth 1993 movie. Her family mansion is now open to public as a history museum for tourism , students and other people can learn about the history of her family clan. Tanthawanich family is the most powerful and richest family in Phuket island. For safety she moved to the United States after her father’s death in 2019. But even so, she continues to fight for Asian right Tanthawanich family has always been respected by the people of Phuket from the past to the present.

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