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Lucifer (Satan) type de personnalité MBTI

Lucifer (Satan) type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Lucifer (Satan)? Lucifer (Satan) est un type de personnalité INTJ dans MBTI, 1w9 - sx/sp - dans Enneagram, SLUEN dans Big 5, dans Socionics."

I could be wrong but I see a lot of Ni in him and unhealthy Fi (until he finally understands and lets go). Te is obvious and his love for Michael that fueled his Ni Fi loop (if loops exist that is) spoilers ahead!: And Cain is a "part" of him, right? Cain is SeTi, which is now confusing bc Se and Ni are the only common functions in them. No wonder they'd hate each other. (unhealthy INTJ vs healthy ESTP. they'd def hate each other). Se is Cain's Dom function and Ni is his inf function while it's the opposite with Satan. in the later chapters, we can see Satan barely ever loses his cool even when Cain accuses him or gets worked up even if Satan is within 2 m radius close to Kyungjoon. (again, I'm not sure if he's an INTJ. I definitely saw Ni. could be any Ni user tbh. y'all are free to place better arguments ^ _ ^) INTJs by default never lose their cool easily and when they do, it comes out in bursts of anger and it gets ugly real quick. and if Fe was a part of him before and Ti as well, then ig he'd still be an INTJ bc Fi is still higher than Fe (considering Cain is a portion of him [still stronger lol.]) then the function stack would be: Ti (that's the only fricking function they'd agree on tbh) Ni Fi Se that's a complicated function stack. but so was Lucifer. it makes Lucifer an INTP(?) ig. doesn't make sense. please give me a better argument bc I'm sure that mines completely stupid


(none to avoid spoilers)

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