Hello Kitty type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Hello Kitty? Hello Kitty est un type de personnalité INFJ dans MBTI, - - dans Enneagram, dans Big 5, dans Socionics."

So why INFJ? Well let's take a look at her functions and evaluate. Ni (Introverted iNtuition): Hello Kitty's hero function is a bit tricky to figure it out, but the conversations she had with Tails while trying to seduce him are filled with her opinions and she scolds him for not taking such a question seriously. This says Ni to me because of personally she takes the question and how much emphasis she places on looking around and drawing your own conclusions. Fe (Extroverted Feeling): The Parent function is easy, she literally joins The Defenders because "it would be nice". She sticks with Tails and Kermit and shows compassion about making society and the world at large a better place. Ti (Introverted Thinking): Kitty's Child function is hard to spot but it's there working in conjunction with the other functions. Once again she's very particular with the questions she asks Tails and when they're going to the hot tub before Amy kisses Tails, she states that as a cat she doesn't like water with obvious disdain, carefully selecting the right excuse before doing what she wanted to anyways. Se (Extroverted Sensing): The Inferior function is the hardest to make an argument for because there isn't a lot of her in the comics but I believe her inferior function is Se because of how she handles the situation with Amy and Tails... and anyone else she doesn't like for that matter. Her Ti also affects her nasty reactions towards people and situations she doesn't like, but her Se and inability to handle tangible sensations and realities in front of her (her marriage to Cheetoman and not divorcing him being the prime example) really sell it to me.


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