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Giselle (aespa) type de personnalité MBTI

Giselle (aespa) type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Giselle (aespa)? Giselle (aespa) est un type de personnalité ISFP dans MBTI, 9w8 - so/sx - 973 dans Enneagram, SCOAI dans Big 5, SEI dans Socionics."

I think she's actually a fairly clear ISFP. Fi-dom. makes sense because she is good socially, and has mentioned having a lot of empathy and deep emotions. She has also mentioned being shy (at first), so an introverted first function would make sense. Se seems clear to me. She pays attention to a lot of sensory details e.g. how Givanchi's clothes look different on-camera vs. in real life and their texture (see comment below for direct quote). She's also naturally good at rapping (has good flow, pronunciation, etc.), and can even write raps well. This signifies that she has pretty good auditory awareness (if that's even a thing). Anyways, Se-users tend to be good at emulating sounds, playing around with them, and writing lyrics/poetry that plays with the flow, syllable length, etc. Basically, they tend to be good at making stuff that sounds good to the ear, because they're sensitive to those sensory details. Her introverted intuition is also developed enough to definitely not be inferior at this age. She's prone to explaining her observations and giving insight to things when asked questions, rather than just explaining stuff at surface level. Basically, she seems pretty (self-)reflective. Her motto is also, "Everything happens for a reason." I think this is a bit of a Ni-thing to say when you do not use it in your top position. As an INFJ, I would not say this because my Ti finds it illogical, however, I believe if I only used Ni & perhaps Fi, this could very well be my thought process. ISFP just makes sense, my guys.


Giselle (born Uchinaga Aeri; October 30, 2000) is the main rapper and sub vocalist of the girlgroup aespa, under SM Entertainment. She is Japanese.

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