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Roberto Clemente type de personnalité MBTI

Roberto Clemente type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Roberto Clemente? Roberto Clemente est un type de personnalité ISFP dans MBTI, 1w9 - sp/sx - 146 dans Enneagram, dans Big 5, ESI dans Socionics."


Roberto Enrique Clemente Walker (Spanish pronunciation: [roˈβeɾto enˈrike kleˈmente (ɣ)walˈkeɾ]; August 18, 1934 – December 31, 1972) was a Puerto Rican professional baseball player who played 18 seasons in Major League Baseball (MLB) for the Pittsburgh Pirates, primarily as a right fielder. After his early and sudden death, the National Baseball Hall of Fame changed its rules so that a player who had been dead for at least six months would be eligible for entry. In 1973, Clemente was posthumously inducted, becoming the first Caribbean and the first Latin-American player to be honored in the Hall of Fame.

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