1. Personnes et Personnages
  2. Historique
  3. Historical Figures (1600s)

Yuan Chonghuan type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Yuan Chonghuan? Yuan Chonghuan est un type de personnalité ENTP dans MBTI, 5w6 - so/sp - 513 dans Enneagram, SCOAI dans Big 5, LIE dans Socionics."



Yuan Chonghuan (Chinese: 袁崇煥; Jyutping: jyun4 sung4 wun6; pinyin: Yuán Chónghuàn; 6 June 1584 – 22 September 1630), courtesy name Yuansu or Ziru, was a Chinese politician, military general and writer who served under the Ming dynasty. Widely regarded as a patriot in Chinese culture, he is best known for defending Liaoning from invasions launched by the Jurchen-led Later Jin dynasty. As a general, Yuan Chonghuan excelled as a cannoneer and sought to incorporate European cannon designs into the Ming arsenal.
