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  2. Littérature
  3. The Fountainhead

Howard Roark type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Howard Roark? Howard Roark est un type de personnalité INTJ dans MBTI, 1w9 - sp/sx - 145 dans Enneagram, RCOEI dans Big 5, LIE dans Socionics."

Let's see together now, This character is Ayn Rand's (INTJ) ubermensch. At the beginning of the book, when Peter asks himself for his opinion about Paris and speaks in many parts of the book, the Aux Te in him is obvious. When he leaves school, his Ni-Te reveals itself. She'll get a job with Henry Cameron. Money is not important. It has an ultimate purpose. When he leaves the school, he says he has nothing left to learn. Because he got all the information he should have. And now is the time to process them (Te obvious). According to Toohey (ENFJ Himself), Howard is like the devil. From Toohey's perspective, Howard is a powerful antagonist. He does not like collective movements and does not participate in them. He is selfish, egotistical and individualistic. The best is always what he knows. At many stages of the book, the characters do not understand Howard's vision. They call him crazy. They even hinder their work. He tells Dominique that they will be together in the future (Ni dom). He says this on purpose, not believing (Te aux). And they get together in the finale. He dynamites a housing estate. It speaks 20 pages. Convince the jury. Not guilty (F *** in Ni-Te combination).


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