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Ursa type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Ursa? Ursa est un type de personnalité ESFJ dans MBTI, 8w9 - sp/so - 862 dans Enneagram, dans Big 5, dans Socionics."


Ulfsaar the warrior is the fiercest member of an ursine tribe, protective of his land and his people. During the long winters, while the mothers sleep and nurse their cubs, the males patrol the lands above—as tireless, vigilant defenders of their ancient ways. Hearing dim but growing rumors of a spreading evil, Ulfsaar headed out beyond the boundaries of his wild wooded homeland, intending to track down and destroy the threat at its source, before it could endanger his people. He is a proud creature with a bright strong spirit, utterly trustworthy, a staunch ally and defender.

Caractéristiques et traits communs
