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  3. Bendy and the Ink Machine (Series)

Player (Vote Your Type) type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Player (Vote Your Type)? Player (Vote Your Type) est un type de personnalité INTP dans MBTI, 5w4 - sp/sx - 548 dans Enneagram, RLUAI dans Big 5, ILI dans Socionics."

first instinct was when I saw the second chapter and met Sammy was "So uh yeah dude I don't care about your inky cult , I'm kinda busy trying to go home and buy pizza" also here are some dialogues i remember I made, so i don't know if it was my Ti-Ne going crazy (SPOILERS) "why did I accept going to this ****** place- WHAT THE HELL DUDE IS THAT A MONSTER?" "okay so you're an angel that looks like everybody simps for even though you look like a b*tch that doesn't care about love so let me guess: abandonment issues? (Alice angel)" "hey I like this guy, he's silent and It's actually helpful (Boris)" "NOOOOOO WHY DID YOU HAVE TO TAKE HIM??? HE WAS A DOG AND DIDN'T SEND ME ORDERS TO MY DEATH, UNLIKE Y O U" "i don't want to kill him -dies first- okay I want to murder him now. COME HERE YOU SUCKA" "so this is the real dog that wants to kill me with an axe? What, are you an emo boy?" "OH NO YOU'RE NOT GONNA LEAVE ME TO DIE AND ROT YOU PSYCHO" "i like this angel more than the crazy girl, she actually likes dogs." "BOOM SHACKALAKA SON OF A-" "Oh hey Joey you know, you could have arrived EARLIER WHEN I WAS ON MY KNEES" "so i can't go home and buy pizza and watch Netflix, instead having to go through the whole thing again every single time?...... i see what you did there" "i don't know what to think anymore."


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