Boh type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Boh? Boh est un type de personnalité ESFP dans MBTI, 3w2 - sp/sx - 387 dans Enneagram, SLUEN dans Big 5, ESE dans Socionics."

Why not enneagram 2? Boh's quotes and enneagram 2's trait structure "You'll get sick if you go outside. So stay here and play with me." Nurturance and False Abundance: repression of neediness, unaware of own neediness, compulsion to please and be extraordinary, identification of the neediness of others, covertly satisfy their love need by having an abundance of love to offer; "If you go, I'll cry. Then Mama will hear me and Mama will come in here and kill you." Pride: imaginary exaltation of self-worth and attractiveness, demanding privileges, boasting, needing to be the center of attention, "playing the part of the princess"; "Yes, you will." "If you don't play with me, I'll cry." "Right now, or I'll start crying!" Assertiveness: daring audacity, willfulness, propelled by a strong uninhibited drive, vitality, adventurousness; "Play with me, or I'll break your arm." Hedonism: wishing for pleasure often substitutes for pleasure, equate being loved to being pleased, affectionate, tender, can become temperamental when not indulged or made to feel loved/pampered, pretendedly content and animated, propensity to be frustrated, wants attention and stimulation, low tolerance to routine and discipline, wants an irresponsible or playful life; "I'm not afraid of germs." Histrionism: independence through the denial of dependency/needs, freedom of willfulness and wildness, often rebellious to authority in a mischievous and humorous way, intensity and wit to attract attention, larger than life selfimage, sustaining the illusion of positivity; "If you make Sen cry, I won't like you anymore!" Love Need: Need to confirm an inflated sense of worth, need to regard oneself as special that is satisfied through receiving love, "touchy feely", subtle intolerance of limits, invasive, "overinvolved" in relationships, possessive;


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