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  3. Historical Figures (1200s)

Nasreddin Hodja (Nasreddin Hoca) type de personnalité MBTI

Nasreddin Hodja (Nasreddin Hoca) type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Nasreddin Hodja (Nasreddin Hoca)? Nasreddin Hodja (Nasreddin Hoca) est un type de personnalité ENTP dans MBTI, 7w8 - so/sp - 793 dans Enneagram, SCUAI dans Big 5, ILE dans Socionics."

an example of his stories: one day, Nasreddin Hoca was preaching about how one shouldn't make too much noise while making love because it could lead to earthquakes and so on, when one of the listeners spoke up and said "But Hoca, there is also some rumours regarding you that..?", to that Hoca answered: "When the expert is on the job, not even the blanket would flicker." Türkçesi: Nasreddin Hoca, bir gün sevişirken fazla gürültü yapılmaması gerektiğini, yoksa zelzele olacağını anlatıyormuş. Dinleyicilerden biri "Ama Hocam sizin için de bazı dedikodular var.", deyince, Hoca: "Erbabı yaparsa yorgan bile titremez", karşılığını vermiş.


Nasreddin (1208-1285), Nasrettin, Nasrettin Hoca, Nasreddin Hoca or Nasreddin Hodja or Mullah Nasreddin Hooja or Mullah Nasruddin was a Seljuq satirist, born in Hortu Village in Sivrihisar, Eskişehir Province, present-day Turkey and died in 13th century in Akşehir, near Konya, a capital of the Seljuk Sultanate of Rum, in today's Turkey. He is considered a populist philosopher, Sufi and wise man, remembered for his funny stories and anecdotes. He appears in thousands of stories, sometimes witty, sometimes wise, but often, too, a fool or the butt of a joke. A Nasreddin story usually has a subtle humour and a pedagogic nature. The International Nasreddin Hodja festival is celebrated between the 5 and 10 July in his hometown every year.

Historique célébrité similaire à Nasreddin Hodja (Nasreddin Hoca)
