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Kimberly "Ki" Swan type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Kimberly "Ki" Swan? Kimberly "Ki" Swan est un type de personnalité INTP dans MBTI, 2w1 - so/sp - 215 dans Enneagram, dans Big 5, LII dans Socionics."

Okay, after 48 hours of thinking, I've come up with INTP 1w2. Has very clear Ne, Ti, Fe, and Si, but it's hard to order it given that she seems to have developed all four. However, I can clearly see that most of her problems lie in her Fe, which assumes a passive role without any manipulation, which would remove ESFJ and ENTP from the circulation. ISFJ seemed possible, but she does not seem to have tertiary Ti, as she revels in complex frameworks much more so than an ISFJ would. The two options here were INTP 1w2 to account for her rule-loving and people-helping nature, and ISFJ 5w4 to account for her ingenuity and abstract thinking. Regardless, her propensity for loopholes seems to indicate lesser Si. She is much more of an orderly person rather than an ordinary sticks-to-the-rules type of gal. She is not boring by any means, and comes off as quite the eccentric, which for an so/sp 1w2 is rather odd. Overall she carries the personality of an INTP, albeit a very healthy one with a people-focused propensity. Ne does not seem to be her regular outlook on life as she seems to have the Ne-Si axis mastered. Regardless, her problems arise repeatedly from insecure Fe, and never from a lack of Ti or Ne, which places her solidly into the INTP category.


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