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  2. Théâtre
  3. Into the Woods

The Witch type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est The Witch? The Witch est un type de personnalité ENTJ dans MBTI, 8w9 - sp/sx - 864 dans Enneagram, RCOEI dans Big 5, LIE dans Socionics."

The moment after the baker finds out his wife died is one of my favorite moments of the play. It is one of the moments where high Te shows it's prowess - by addressing the task at hand and not letting emotions get in the way of what must be done. High Te users have people and things they care about deeply, but while they can suffer losses and grieve, they will always persist to do what is necessary so that no more harm can be done. There is a strength to that which I admire and think is extremely important. Also, the way the witch delivers her lines - harsh truth but full of emotion - feels like a stab to the heart. Absolutely incredible. Baker: "I should've insisted that she stay home." Witch: "Remorse will get you nowhere." Baker: "My wife is dead!" Witch: "Wake up! People are dying all around you - you're not the only one to suffer a loss. When you're dead you're dead. Now its time to get this boy to the giant before we're all so much as dead meat."


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